Is it true that ultraviolet rays can rejuvenate the body and longevity? Check out his secret
The swimming pool is identic with water sports. That's normal, not news of his name anymore. But have you ever thought there is now a swimming pool of ultra violet therapy? Is that? Curious is not it?
Swimming pool ultra violet therapy is a new concept in the field of health is now beginning ogled health experts. We know that ultraviolet rays exist in sunlight. And the utilization must be on time, not too late.
Create a swimming pool ultra violet light therapy has a simple
concept, namely to make the pool as a cool water bedding while exposed
to the morning sun.
Indeed, the weakness of this therapy is that we should be able to sleep in the water floating, so can not have any ground. The concept of ultraviolet ray pool therapy is a combination of
relaxation on the water and exposed to the morning sun between 7 am and 8
What are the benefits of ultra violet therapy pools? Our body will be very healthy, because the ultra violet rays
themselves are rich in vitamin D, while the floating effect in the pond
will give the effect of perfect relaxation.
Just imagine, if you do not relax then you will drown in the water. So this therapy requires you to relax and always set the breath for the body to remain afloat on the water.
While the ultra violet rays of the sun will give a warm effect, blood circulation and make your skin ageless. So the combination of relaxation over water and the morning sun makes this therapy perfect.Some ask, why should floating on water? The answer is that all the organs of our body free from the force of gravity of the earth. It's floating on the water?
Indeed, ultraviolet therapy is still new, let alone combined with a swimming pool. But keep in mind, create an open swimming pool on the slope of the morning sun, which means do not be blocked by the wall.
Finally, good luck swimming pool ultraviolet light therapy, may be useful.
What are the benefits of ultra violet therapy pools? Our body will be very healthy, because the ultra violet rays themselves are rich in vitamin D, while the floating effect in the pond will give the effect of perfect relaxation.
Benarkah terapikolam
renang sinar ultra violet bisa meremajakan tubuh dan panjang umur? Simak
Kolam renang identic dengan olahraga air. Itu sudah biasa,
bukan berita lagi namanya. Tapi apakah anda pernah berpikir kini ada kolam
renangh terapi ultra violet? Apakah itu? Penasaran kan?
Kolam renang terapi ultra violet adalah konsep baru dibidang kesehatan yang kini mulai dilirik para ahli kesehatan. Kita tahu bahwa sinar ultra violet ada di sinar matahari. Dan pemanfaatannya pun harus sesuai waktu, jangan terlalu siang.
Baca juga : Jasa Buat Kolam Renang Terpercaya
Buat kolam renang terapi sinar ultra violet memiliki konsep
sederhana, yaitu menjadikan kolam renang sebagai pembaringan air yang sejuk
sambil disinari sinar matahari pagi.
Memang kelemahan terapi ini adalah kita harus bisa tidur
terapung di air, jadi tidak bisa beralas apapun. Konsep terapi kolam renang
sinar ultra violet adalah kombinasi rileksasi di atas air dan terkena sinar
matahari pagi antara pukul 7 pagi hingga pukul 8 pagi.
Baca juga : Buat kolam anti bocor sederhana
Apa manfaat kolam renang terapi ultra violet? Tubuh kita akan
sangat sehat, karena sinar ultra violet itu sendiri kaya dengan vitamin D,
sementara efek terapung di kolam akan memberi efek rileksasi sempurna.
Bayangkan saja, jika anda tidak rileks maka anda akan tenggelam
di air. Jadi terapi ini mewajibkan anda harus rileks dan selalu mengatur nafas
agar tubuh tetap terapung diatas air.
Sementara sinar ultra violet matahari akan memberikan efek
hangat, melancarkan sirkulasi darah dan membuat kulit anda awet muda. Jadi kombinasi
antara rileksasi diatas air dan sinar matahari pagi menjadikan terapi ini
Baca juga : Mengapa tren buat kolam renang meningkat ?
Ada yang bertanya, mengapa harus terapung diatas air?
Jawabnya agar seluruh organ tubuh kita terbebas dari gaya gravitasi bumi. Ini
kan terapung diatas air?
Memang, terapi ultraviolet ini masih baru, apalagi
dikombinasikan dengan kolam renang. Namun yang perlu diingat, buat kolam renang
yang terbuka pada kemiringan sinar matahari pagi, artinya jangan terhalang
Akhir kata, selamat mencoba kolam renang terapi sinar ultra
violet, semoga bermanfaat.
Apalagi ini? Metode baru melipatgandakan kecantikan dan kesehatan secara SEDERHANA dan EFEKTIF, Kolam renang terapi sinar ultra violet
BalasHapusApa lagi ini??? Kolam renang terapi sinar ultra violet ? Kelihatannya sangat menarik. Setelah kita simak akan kita tahu betapa besar pentingnya informasi ini. Silakan komentara