Minggu, 10 Desember 2017




How to make swimming pool anti-leak proof for more than 10 years? Is there really a cheap and appropriate solution? Listen here

The pool always has problems, especially on leaks. Admittedly, leakage is the main problem of any swimming pool. And the swimming pool contractors are always looking for solutions to keep the swimming pool leak as long as possible.

There is actually a simple solution. Use anti-leak membrane Elbe Blue Line product. This German membrane technology and quality talk need not worry. All the citizens of the world have proved it, especially in Europe and America.

How membrane liner works is very simple. After the swimming pool in cast with cement, and performed a leakage test cast, then finisihing pool done. Of course, after the ceramic or swimming pool floor first.

Membrane liner has a quality material. Not to worry, this material is very strong from the tear. For leakage warranty from the company gives 10 years, but the real quality is very likely over 10 years.

The strength of the membrane liner is very well known. Both qualitatively and quantitatively. This membrane liner has been tested by various world swimming pool and got very good predicate. So, for those of you who are making a swimming pool, make sure to use this Elbe Blue Line membrane liner.

For anti-leaking resistance is very reliable and almost all customers recognize it. This is not only because of German technology, but also because the reputation and evidence has been so much and always have a place in the heart of the pool maker customers.

So, what are you waiting for, when there are plans to create a swimming pool, you should consult first with a trusted distributor Elbe Blue line on this website. And make sure not to be fooled by cheap offers from many parties but their quality is not very satisfactory.


Bagaimana cara buat kolam renang berdaya tahan anti bocor lebih dari 10 tahun? Benarkah ada solusi murah dan tepat? Simak disini

Kolam renang selalu memiliki masalah, terutama pada kebocoran. Harus diakui, kebocoran adalah masalah utama setiap kolam renang. Dan para kontraktor kolam renang selalu mencari solusi agar kolam renang anti bocor selama mungkin.

Sebenarnya ada solusi yang sederhana. Gunakan membrane liner anti bocor produk Elbe Blue Line. Membrane ini teknologi Jerman dan bicara kualitas tak perlu khawatir. Semua warga dunia sudah membuktikannya, terutama di Eropa dan Amerika. 

Cara kerja membrane liner ini sangat sederhana. Setelah kolam renang di cor dengan semen, dan dilakukan tes kebocoran cor, maka finisihing kolam renang dilakukan. Tentu saja setelah dipasang keramik atau semacam lantai kolam renang dulu.

Membrane liner memiliki bahan yang berkualitas. Tak perlu khawatir, bahan ini sangat kuat dari sobekan. Untuk garansi kebocoran dari perusahaan memberikan 10 tahun, namun kualitas yang sesungguhnya sangat mungkin diatas 10 tahun.

Kekuatan membrane liner sudah amat terkenal. Baik secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Membrane liner ini pernah diuji oleh berbagai asosasi renang dunia dan mendapat predikat sangat baik. Jadi, bagi anda yang sedang membuat kolam renang, pastikan gunakan membrane liner Elbe Blue Line ini. 

Untuk daya tahan anti bocornya sudah sangat terpercaya dan hampir semua customer mengakuinya. Ini bukan saja karena teknologi Jerman, tapi juga karena reputasi serta bukti sudah begitu banyak dan selalu mendapat tempat di hati customer pembuat kolam renang.

Jadi, tunggu apa lagi, ketika ada rencana untuk buat kolam renang, sebaiknya konsultasi dulu dengan distributor terpercaya Elbe Blue line di website ini. Dan pastikan jangan terkecoh dengan penawaran murah dari banyak pihak namun kualitas mereka sangat tidak memuaskan.      

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